Golden Wires

I think we all have golden wires within us – sometimes we just need to rewire ourselves – to use what is already present.

When I was in the Desert – in the Dark – In my Despair – I had this thought.

I thought of how I am with my best friend. I pick him up and dust him off when he fails, never judgmental. I support him and his dreams, I listen and try to understand. I’m there whenever he needs me. I Love him.

And then in the Desert – in the Dark – In my Despair something in my Mind clicked. I suddenly thought if I can offer this to my best friend the golden wire is already within me. I just have to reverse the current – To be my own best friend. To use the same wire when looking inward – to never be more harsh with Self than Friend.

The thoughts continued.

I thought of how I am when I’m with a Lover. I am mindful and watchful of her and how she moves through the world. I’m always trying to find new ways to fall in love with her. How she says my name. The funny way she sneezes. If you look for scars and marks on women you’ll find that. If you are mindful for the beauties within them, if you watch for that, you may find what you seek.

Then I remembered the Golden Wires – what if I used this golden wire I offer to women to look back at myself – to be as watchful and mindful of all the beautiful things I do in a day. To expect the best from Self – To love Self. The wire is already there waiting to be used.

And finally to what deeply changed me in the village I live in. I was walking into the coffee shop on a bright morning. There, tied to a post, was a golden lab puppy basking in the Sun, it’s round belly pointed to the blue sky. As always I was overcome with a wanting to sit with this animal, to share space, to spend time together. I was in puppy love. After a few minutes I began to stand when my mind was struck with a lighting bolt – I thought if I could hold this space for any stray animal I meet couldn’t it be my first offering for anyone or anything that comes into my life. To be fully prepared to fall in Love with the next instance. I wondered if this could become my practice.

When I shared this idea some said I would be wounded by living in this state. They were wrong. This is just a beginning I offer. To expect the best and accept the worst. Honestly I think the Universe gains nothing by this practice – The current returns to me.

In this practice I found so many of you to Love. If I haven’t met you I Love you too – You just don’t know it yet.

© 2019, Michael Fulcher. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Golden Wires”

  1. Hi Michael, We met in the hot springs, and I said I would send you some information about book publishing, but I don’t see how to email you. Please send your email if you would like this information.
    All the best,

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